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Professional Development

031925 Unwine Wednesday

Participants will understand the ins and outs of transition, where it is found in Easy I.E.P., and many resources to help with the process.

Register now.

030625 Special Education Support

During this 90 minutes zoom session we will review the PATTAN and District guidelines for creating an Evaluation and ReEvaluation. We will review the process in the Easy I.E.P. system. Resources will be provided. 

Sign up here.

021925 Unwine Wednesday

Participants will learn how to identify and define behavior, where it is found in Easy I.E.P., and how to write and FBA, and PBSP.

Register now.


Join us for a 90 minute session on creating an I.E.P. We will go step by step through the Easy IEP system and answer questions along the way. You will leave with ease and plenty of resources!

Sign up now.

021325 IEP
Unwine Wednesday

Participants will explore the Easy I.E.P. system for writing an I.E.P. and receive and review documents to support this process. 

Register here.


Participants will learn the process of the evaluation and re evaluation process from working with the school psychologist to support with the paperwork and planning the meetings.

Register here.

Reimagining Classroom Management

This five-week collaborative learning experience will focus on extending traditional forms of classroom management to thinking about how to create equitable learning spaces that incorporate proactive restorative practices and principles of social and emotional learning. Each week, participants will leave with an evidence-based strategy to try out in their classrooms and then come back together using the critical friends’ model to share our successes and struggles as we support each other to improve our practices.

Meeting Registration - Zoom


This Twilight Science session will focus on Grade 4 Quarter 1 Physical Science. 

Energy is vitally important to our lives, but it is often taken for granted. Using google slide deck lessons and activities, videos, and reading selections, the concept of energy will be in troduced and developed. Participants will create a working definition for what is energy and make observations to pro vide evidence that energy can be transferred from place to place by sound, light, heat, and electric currents and how energy is converted from one type to another. Reading selections will lead participants to


This Twilight Science session focuses on Grade 5 Quarter 1 Physical Science. 

Through the use of slide deck lessons and activities, videos, reading selections, and other re sources, participants will see examples of models that describe matter as made of particles too small to be seen. Although we do not use the term, Conservation of Matter, this session will examine the concept with demonstrations and activities to help participants understand that the amount of matter is conserved when a substance changes form. Whether it’s a change in state, or dissolving, or a chemical reaction, or any


Para Pathway Program

Para Pathway Program: Application Now Open!

Application Now Open! 
Deadline to Apply: July 19th. 
Apply now!