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April 25, 2024

At this evening's School Board meeting, PFT President Jerry Jordan was honored to deliver testimony in support of renaming District headquarters "Dr. Constance E. Clayton Education Center."

President Jordan's prepared testimony can be downloaded here.


New PD Opportunity: Creating Safe Spaces for Connections and Uncomfortable Conversations


April 18, 2024

This morning in City Council, Councilmembers Gilmore Richardson and Gauthier introduced a resolution in support of Representative Elizabeth Fiedler's Solar for Schools legislation. 

PFT President Jerry Jordan's remarks are below and linked here.

Solar for Schools

Good Morning, and it is a good morning—when we have both our city and state leaders united in a cause that will better the future for all of us, and most importantly for our children.

  • I am going to be brief this morning, because no one should really need convincing that this program is a winning one.

Thank you, Representative Fiedler


April 16, 2024

Following Dr. Tony B. Watlington's announcement that the School District of Philadelphia will end its practice of leveling, PFT President Jerry T. Jordan issued the following statement:

PHILADELPHIA-- "The decision to eliminate leveling is a sound one and a very welcome one. It will allow both children and staff important stability at the start of the school year that will help set the trajectory for a strong year. Over the years, we have worked to mitigate the challenges set forth by the process of leveling. To know that the District recognizes and appreciates


A coalition of labor and community organizations issued a

 document outlining the urgency of a full investment in public education-- both a moral imperative and now, an imperative codified by law in the landmark school funding case. Pennsylvania has long neglected its constitutional requirement to provide every child with a thorough and efficient system of public education, and the 2024 budget is the moment we have to get it right. 

This coalition came together to issue not only a strong pro-public education message but also to emphasize our collective repudiation of vouchers in any form. The document issued by the coalition includes a host of research on the unproven, harmful impacts of investing public dollars in private institutions. Public education is a public good.


April 8, 2024

PHILADELPHIA-- On Monday afternoon, members of the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers were honored to join Vice President Kamala Harris for a roundtable discussion on the Biden-Harris administration's efforts to relieve student debt. In addition to $146 Billion in debt already forgiven, the Biden-Harris administration on Monday proposed additional changes that AFT President Randi Weingarten called "a lifechanging intervention."

Following a thrilling experience for Cramp Elementary students who greeted the Vice President upon her arrival in Philadelphia (and