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215-587-6738Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 5 PM

About the PFT

The PFT represents nearly 14,000 dedicated individuals working in Philadelphia public schools today.

PFT members include teachers, librarians, school nurses, counselors, psychologists and social workers, secretaries, paraprofessionals, classroom assistants, non-teaching assistants, supportive services assistants, Head Start/Comprehensive Early Learning Center and Bright Futures teachers and staff, food service managers and professional and technical employees.


  • Negotiates the collective bargaining agreement that establishes working conditions, salaries and benefits;
  • Administers union-won benefits, including dental, prescription and vision care services
  • Assists members with work-related problems
  • Offers professional development
  • Promotes the use of research-based programs proven to raise student achievement
  • Keeps members informed about education issues
  • Advocates politically on behalf of members and students.

The PFT is committed to providing Philadelphia's children with the highest quality education possible. We are leading the fight to reduce class sizes, expand early childhood education, use proven education programs, make schools safe and orderly and offer resources and support for teachers, staff and students.

Every school and work location has a PFT Building Representative elected by you and your colleagues to help you with day-to-day issues you may encounter.

The PFT also has Regional Staff Representatives to assist members with larger, more complex issues.

In addition, the PFT has Information Officers and Personnel Officers available by telephone to help you with emergencies or immediate concerns or questions.

PFT History Video: Solidarity Wins!

Informational Videos

Check Out PFT Videos: Helpful information that impacts members' day-to-day work as Philly educators

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