May 12, 2022
PFT President Jerry Jordan at the "No More Excuses" rally at FS Key School:
On March 29, 2019, so many of us here today stood outside this very school, the oldest school building operating in the school district of Philadelphia, to launch the Fund Our Facilities Coalition.
We stood here then, just as we do now, to demand more for our children, our educators, and our school communities. In the time since our coalition launched, we have grown in strength.
We have secured millions of dollars in remediation efforts.
We have fought for changes small and large in the approach to a toxic schools crisis that quite plainly would never be tolerated in a wealthier, whiter school district.
And all the while, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has been growing its coffers and squirreling away money in a rainy day fund. I’ve said it many times before: it’s literally raining in our school buildings now.
Combined with unspent rescue plan funding and burgeoning revenues far exceeding projections, there is thirteen billion dollars available to end this crisis once and for all.
Read Jerry's full remarks here.
Watch the event in its entirety here.
View more photos from the event here and here.