File Clean Out:
1. Clean out your school file: Per the Kramer Arbitration, all PFT members have the right to clean out their school files on the last day of the school year.
- How?: Work with your building rep to ensure that members have a designated time to do so on the last day of school.
2. Check your central office file for unfavorable items: Per the PFT contract, "When an employee has received an unfavorable anecdotal record(s), the employee, upon application after eighteen (18) months, can have such records and all related memos and documents, with the exception of letters of suspension or demotion, personnel transaction forms and state rating forms, destroyed if the employee has not had a similar and/or related unfavorable anecdotal record(s) during said eighteen (18) month period." Read the contract language here.
- How?: Complete this form and e-mail it to Michelle Chapman, Deputy, Employee & Labor Relations.
- To simply request a copy of your file, you can use this form. (This is a different request from the file clean out form linked above).
Tentative Assignments:
(e) In middle and senior high schools by June 15 or the last day of school, whichever is earlier, tentative rosters shall be distributed to the individual teachers. If changes are made between tentative rosters and final rosters, any teachers concerned shall be notified. In addition to the Building Committee, any interested teacher from that particular school may examine the organization plan.
(f) In elementary schools by June 15 or the last day of school, whichever is earlier, teachers shall be notified of what grades and sections they will teach and every teacher will receive his/her tentative new class name list, including each pupil’s reading level.
Read the contract language here.