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PFT President Jerry Jordan on the Deadly White Supremacist Terrorist Attack in Buffalo


May 15, 2022

"It should horrify and shock any person of conscience that once again, a white supremacist with access to guns targeted and terrorized a predominantly Black community, and in his racist massacre took ten innocent lives—the lives of Buffalo community members shopping for groceries on a Saturday afternoon.

"This monstrous act of terrorism is another devastating reminder of the inherent danger of being Black in America.

"I am struck thinking about the depth of such profound suffering and loss: children shopping with parents who are now forever traumatized; devastation felt by friends, loved ones, and neighbors; so many lives shattered. Because of a white supremacist with a gun.

"Thoughts and prayers will never be enough. It is past time for sweeping changes to the systems of oppression that continue to plague our nation. It is past time for gun control. It is past time for every single person in every single community to feel safe and valued for who they are.

"My heart breaks for the loved ones of those whose lives were stolen today. While our sorrow and sympathy is wholly insufficient, we keep everyone impacted in our hearts during this unbearable time."


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