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February 26, 2020

With roughly 60% of the vote, the members of the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers have re-elected Jerry Jordan and the entire CB Team to continue to represent them. Today’s contest decided the Executive Board, PFT delegates to the AFT convention, and the AFT-PA convention.

PHILADELPHIA— “My entire team and I are delighted to have been re-elected to serve the PFT membership. Our nearly 13,000 members are passionate, dedicated, and engaged, and working with them daily is one of the great honors of my life. I thank each and every member who participated in this election by


February 14, 2020

On Thursday, February 13, before a meeting with the Richmond School community and on the heels of the ninth and tenth school closures due to asbestos, PFT President Jerry Jordan joined with Fund Our Facilities Coalition partners to once again call for Governor Wolf to declare a state of emergency for the School District of Philadelphia. 


February 7, 2020

The School District of Philadelphia made a commitment to complete all asbestos remediation at Hopkinson Elementary before reopening the building.

"The School District of Philadelphia has informed the Federation that they have agreed to our recommendation that urgent asbestos remediation be completed before the school is cleared for reoccupancy. This is an absolutely commendable decision and one borne out of the relentless advocacy of the PFT and all of our members."


January 29, 2020

The Governor today put forth an ambitious plan of action to secure $1 Billion in funding for asbestos and lead remediation.

"Today’s announcement by Governor Wolf is a long-awaited and important step forward in our fight for facilities investments. The PFT has led the charge in advocating for substantive action to comprehensively address the humanitarian crisis that our educators and the students they teach are enduring each day."


January 20, 2020

On a day commemorating the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., PFT President Jerry Jordan joined parents and educators to announce legal proceedings against the School District to address the ongoing facilities crisis.



Overnight asbestos sampling results at McClure came back elevated.

"Upon the discovery of the protocol breach and failure to properly manage a dangerous asbestos contamination condition at McClure Elementary, the Federation emphatically stated that we were unable to assure the McClure community of the environmental safety of the building. Early yesterday morning, we conveyed our concerns to the McClure staff and reported to the school for further discussion."