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November 15, 2022

Dear PFT Members:

Today, the PA State House Judiciary Committee furthered their efforts to impeach the twice elected District Attorney of Philadelphia Larry Krasner, passing this wrongheaded legislation through the Judiciary Committee.

I've shared our opposition to this stunt with you a number of times, and I write today to urge you to call your State Senator and State Representative to urge them to repudiate this charade and get down to the business of governing. 

Here are two of my recent statements on this effort:


November 9, 2022

In response to this evening's election results, PFT President Jerry Jordan issued the following statement:

PHILADELPHIA—"Voters of Pennsylvania have made their voices heard, and John Fetterman's decisive victory leaves us confident in our optimism about our path forward for our great commonwealth. 

"Throughout a grueling campaign and a life-threatening health scare, the fortitude and determination demonstrated by John Fetterman and his family is a testament to their commitment to our collective futures. 

"John Fetterman stands for so many of the things we fight for every day. He


November 8, 2022

In response to this evening's election results, PFT President Jerry Jordan issued the following statement:

PHILADELPHIA—"Pennsylvanians can rest a little easier tonight knowing that the next Governor of our great Commonwealth will govern for all of us. On behalf of Philadelphia's 13,000 educators, I offer my sincere congratulations to Governor-elect Josh Shapiro and Lt. Governor-elect Austin Davis on their resounding victory today.

"Over the course of the last few months, PFT members have been deeply engaged in the electoral process, because they have intimately known exactly

October 25, 2022 In response to this evening's debate between Lt. Governor Fetterman and Dr. Oz, PFT President Jerry Jordan issued the following statement: PHILADELPHIA—"Dr. Oz is ania. lot of things: a New Jerseyan, a TV personality, a fraud, a charlatan, and either a Yankees or Padres fan. But here's what he absolutely will not be: the next Senator of Pennsylva MORE

October 11, 2022

Today at Roxborough High School, we joined Rep. Malcolm Kenyatta and Senator Vincent Hughes as they announced a $500,000 safety grant for Roxborough.

Jerry Jordan's prepared remarks are below and here.

We heard incredibly moving remarks from Nicolas Elizalde's mother Meredith and his grandmother Marge LaRue, who spoke so powerfully about Nicolas, the devastation wrought by gun violence, and the urgency of action including in the upcoming elections.

Watch just some of Meredith Elizalde and Marge LaRue's remarks:

Jerry Jordan, President

Remarks at Roxborough High School

Safety Grant

October 10, 2022 PHILADELPHIA—"Our city is once again reeling from the murder of a child-- a thirteen year-old-boy in West Oak Lane whose life was stolen from him, robbed of his future dreams and aspirations, never to even graduate eighth grade. My heart breaks for all who knew and loved him: his family, his friends, his neighbors, the entire Wagner Middle School community; the impact of such a tragedy is measureless. MORE